COMPANY REGISTRATION – Starts at Rs. 18000
Private Limited is the most popular type of corporate legal entity in India. To register a private limited company, a minimum of two shareholders and two directors are required. Private limited company registration is regulated by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies Incorporation Rules, 2014. A natural person can be both a director and shareholder, while a corporate legal entity can only be a shareholder. Further, foreign nationals, foreign corporate entities or NRIs are allowed to be Directors and/or Shareholders of a Company with Foreign Direct Investment, making it the preferred choice of entity for foreign promoters.
Advantages of Private Limited Company:
- A Private Limited Company has a separate legal entity from its owners. The members of a company have no liability to the creditors of a company for debts incurred by the company.
- A Private Limited Company has perpetual succession, i.e. continued or uninterrupted existence until it is legally dissolved. It continues in existence irrespective of the changes in membership.
- The liability of the members of Private Limited Company is limited either to the extent of the face value of shares taken up by them or by the memorandum to a certain amount.
- Shares of a Private Limited Company limited by shares are transferable by a shareholder to any other person.
- A Private Limited Company can acquire, own, enjoy and alienate property in its own name.
- A Private Limited Company has the capacity to sue and be sued.
- It is possible for a Private Limited Company to make a valid and effective contract with any of its members and other entities.
- Registering Private Limited Company enjoys better avenues for borrowing funds. It can issue debentures, secured as well as unsecured and can also accept deposits from the public etc.
Documents for Registration:
- Identity proof
- PAN card
- Aadhar Card
- Address proof
- Driving License / Passport / Voter ID
- Bank Statements/Electricity bill/Telephone bill/Mobile Bill
- Registered office proof
- Rent Deed or Sale Deed
- Latest Electricity bill
- Property Tax Receipt
- No objection letter from owner for use of property.
- other incorporation documents
- Fill Form
- Call to discuss
- Get Certificate
Get your company incorporation certificate
- Limited liability protection to directors personal assets
- Many times startups need to borrow money and take things on credit. In case of normal Partnerships, Partners personal savings and property would be at risk incase business is not able to repay its loans. In a private limited company, only investment in business is lost, personal assets of the directors are safe.
- Better image and credibility in the market
- Private limited company is popular and well known business structure. Corporate Customers, Vendors and Govt. Agencies prefer to deal with Private Limited Company instead of proprietorship or normal partnerships.
- Easy to raise funds and loans
- Pvt. Ltd. company enjoys wide options to raise funds through bank loans, Angel Investors, Venture Capitalists, in comparison to LLPs and OPCs.
- Favorite business structure for investors
- Investors love to invest in Private Limited companies as it is well structured and less strings attached. Most important it is very easy to exit from a private limited company.
- Easy to attract employees
- For startups putting together a team and keeping them for long time is a challenge, due to confidence attached to private limited structure, it is easy to hire people as well motivate them with corporate designations and stock options.
- Easy to sell
- Private Ltd. is easy to sell, very less documentation and cost is involved in selling a Pvt. Ltd. company.
- Minimum 2 Shareholders
- One of the Directors must be Indian Resident
- DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) for 2 Promoters & 1 witness
- Minimum 2 Directors
- Minimum Authorised Share Capital 100,000 (INR One Lac)
- The directors and shareholders can be same person
- DIN (Director Identification Number) for all Directors
What you will receive
Following services/documents/certificates will be provided
- Memorandum of Association
- Articles of Association
- PAN Card
- TAN Card
- Certificate of Incorporation
- ESI/PF Registration
- GST Registration
- ADT-4 Auditors Appointment
- Digital Signature
- Company KYC
- MGT-7 Form Upload
- Annual General Meeting form Upload for the first year
- First Three months GST filing with no Fees
- Costs for all such services – Actual Rate to be finalised over call